Waqar Khan

guinea pig squeaking

Guinea Pig Squeaking: Why Do Guinea Pigs Squeak? What Does it Mean When a Guinea Pig Squeaks?

Do guinea pigs have a language? Yeah, they do! They are just too social to not have a language. Ok, they might not speak English, Spanish, French, or any other human language but they are talking to you and their fellow cage mates. They have a language of their own. It consists of squeaks and …

Guinea Pig Squeaking: Why Do Guinea Pigs Squeak? What Does it Mean When a Guinea Pig Squeaks? Read More »

Juliana Pig walking around munching on hay

Juliana Pigs: Origin, Temperament, Care, and More! (With Pictures)

Often called ‘mini pigs’ or ‘teacup pigs’ Juliana pigs are experiencing a surge in popularity in recent years. They are also referred to as miniature painted pigs because they have marvelous spotted bodies. Besides their miniature size, their popularity is also attributed to their intelligence, sociability, quirkiness, and gentle and affectionate nature. Perhaps, you have …

Juliana Pigs: Origin, Temperament, Care, and More! (With Pictures) Read More »

Guinea pig sniffing french fries

Can Guinea Pigs Eat French Fries? 5 Reasons Why French Fries Are Bad For Guinea Pigs!

Salty, crispy, and deep fried. What’s not to like about French fries? Everyone loves French fries. They make a perfect snack for humans but what about our little furry friends? Can guinea pigs eat French fries? No! Continue reading to learn why French fries are bad for guinea pigs. Can Guinea Pigs Eat French Fries? …

Can Guinea Pigs Eat French Fries? 5 Reasons Why French Fries Are Bad For Guinea Pigs! Read More »

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