Waqar Khan

Abyssinian Guinea pig sitting on a wall

Abyssinian Guinea Pig Breed Profile: History, Appearance, Care, and More!

Known for their cowlicks (formally known as rosettes), the Abyssinian guinea pig is one of the first guinea pig breeds recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association. They are much more vocal than other guinea pig breeds. If you plan to adopt a pair of Abyssinian guinea pigs, you better familiarize yourself with different guinea …

Abyssinian Guinea Pig Breed Profile: History, Appearance, Care, and More! Read More »

Long haired Black Silkie Guinea Pig

Silkie (Sheltie) Guinea Pig Breed Profile: History, Appearance, Care, and More!

Sheltie Guinea Pig, also known as Silkies because of their long silky hair, is one of the most popular long-haired guinea breeds. Because of their dapper coat and dazzling looks, they are pretty popular as show animals. That said, given their calm and friendly nature also makes them a widely sought-after pet guinea pig breed. …

Silkie (Sheltie) Guinea Pig Breed Profile: History, Appearance, Care, and More! Read More »

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